화물운송자격증 시험 문제 Freight transport license test questions

The Freight Transport Qualification Test, also called the Freight Forwarder’s License or the Freight Forwarder’s Test, is one of the types of certifications that must be obtained in order to transport freight. If you write down the exact full name, it is a cargo transportation license test hosted by TS Korea Transportation Safety Authority.


Unlike the forklift license I talked about last time, there are qualifications for taking the test, a test schedule, and a series of courses. It is not difficult to obtain a license.


The written test consists of a total of 80 questions in 4 subjects, and all questions are equal with 1.25 points. 15 questions are cargo handling tips, 15 questions are transportation service, and 25 questions are related to safe operation. You can immediately know whether you passed or failed, and since it is a question bank-style test, you can quickly solve it by solving past questions several times. 화물운송자격증 시험 문제


화물운송자격증 시험 문제



It consists of a driver aptitude test, a written test, and training for successful applicants. The driving aptitude test is essential, and those who have already received it must take it again if the period of 3 years has passed. 좋은뉴스 


The written test is passed if you get 60 points or more out of 100 points. If you think about the test while driving, it’s almost the same level, but since it’s freight transportation, you can think of problems related to large cars and trucks.


We will explain the exam schedule, how to apply for the application form, and where to look for previous exam questions in order.




Since the test schedule is held as a matched CBT test, you can apply for the area where you live and then go and take the test on the day and time of your choice.


More detailed methods will be explained in order.



Search for cargo transport qualification test or search for TS cargo transport worker qualification test and enter.




On the top tab of the Korea Transportation Safety Authority website, select Continuous Computer Test (CBT) and click Internet Application.




Before applying, you must answer yes or no to various parts, but the most important thing is that you must have at least two types of driver’s licenses, and the acquisition period must exceed 2 years (730 days).




Selecting the test location, verifying identity, filling out the application form, and confirming receipt are in order. Click Submit to proceed to the next step.




You need to select a region and a test location, but one of the important things is to select a region and press the OK button, and the test location must also press the Confirm button to see if you can register for time and reception in the schedule like the calendar below.


Choose the date and time you would like to take the test.




Check again and click Submit.




After real-name authentication, you enter your driver’s license information and there is a detailed driver’s aptitude test.




Next, I’d like to tell you where to look for past freight transport qualification exam questions.




From the five tabs at the top, go directly to the test.




There are past questions solving for freight forwarder certification and expected questions, etc., click the shortcut to move.




You can solve past problems or expected problems here, but I think it will be enough to just skim through about 5 times of past problems. If there are any confusing parts, memorizing them can be a way, but I think you can think of it as a similar level of difficulty to the driver’s license test.


There is no practical test, so you only need to take a written test and aptitude test and training. The training consists of a total of 8 hours and runs from 09:00 to 18:00 including a lunch break for 9 hours. Divide into 50 minutes/10 minutes and take a break.