포스트바이오틱스 효능, 추천, 제품 고르는 팁 총정리 Summary of postbiotics benefits, recommendations, and product selection tips

Let’s learn about postbiotics efficacy, price, side effects, how to eat, product comparison, and types. Postbiotics are a type of lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria are bacteria that have a beneficial effect on human health, and are generally known to be helpful for intestinal health.

포스트바이오틱스 효능
Recently, due to westernized eating habits, more and more people are complaining of intestinal health problems, and the importance of lactic acid bacteria is being emphasized on TV and the Internet.

포스트바이오틱스 효능

However, there are so many types of lactic acid bacteria that it is often difficult to choose which one is right for you. Among them, I can see a lot of people recommending postbiotics recently. Let’s look at what kind of lactic acid bacteria these postbiotics are, what their benefits are, side effects, how to eat them, and recommended products.


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What is Postbiotics?

To understand postbiotics, it is good to first know about lactic acid bacteria, probiotics, and prebiotics. There are a total of 4 generations of lactic acid bacteria. 1st generation: Probiotics refers to the lactic acid bacteria themselves. We are talking about the bacteria that actually work in our intestines.

1st Generation: Probiotics refers to the lactic acid bacteria themselves. We are talking about the bacteria that actually work in our intestines.
2nd generation: Prebiotics are the food that probiotics enter our body to work well in the intestines. Probiotics eat prebiotics and help improve the growth of lactic acid bacteria and the environment in the intestines.
3rd generation: Synbiotics are lactic acid bacteria created by combining the 1st generation probiotics and the 2nd generation prebiotics.
4th Generation: Postbiotics are lactobacilli that contain metabolites of lactic acid bacteria along with probiotics and prebiotics. Lactic acid bacteria metabolites are substances produced by lactic acid bacteria after eating.
The lactic acid bacteria metabolites of this postbiotics are substances produced during the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria, and are the next generation of lactic acid bacteria, also called cultured dry matter. In other words, it is a good substance that lactic acid bacteria eat and produce.


The reason lactic acid bacteria are actually good is that metabolites produced by beneficial bacteria after eating food are the key to the effectiveness of lactic acid bacteria. Postbiotics contains lactic acid bacteria, their food, and metabolites produced by lactic acid bacteria after eating other lactic acid bacteria. It is more effective.


And postbiotics are dead bacteria, not live bacteria, so they are not killed by stomach or bile acids. No, I’m already dead, so I guess I shouldn’t die. It is absorbed from the small intestine along with other nutrients. In addition, since it is not a live bacteria, it is resistant to the external environment and has the advantage of being able to be stored at room temperature for a long time.


Of course, if you eat probiotics and prebiotics, you create postbiotics. Why do you still recommend taking postbiotics?


In the process of eating and digesting lactic acid bacteria, it is said that more than 90% of them are destroyed by strong stomach acid and digestive enzymes in our body. Since only about 10% survive and it takes a long time to produce metabolites, taking post-biotics lactobacillus is the fastest and best way to see the effect of lactic acid bacteria.


Postbiotics efficacy
Postbiotics promotes the growth of lactic acid bacteria, suppresses harmful bacteria, facilitates bowel movement, and helps intestinal health.

What is better than other lactic acid bacteria is that other lactic acid bacteria do not survive to the intestine and are killed by stomach acid, but Post Biotig arrives safely in the intestine and kills harmful bacteria as soon as it arrives, quickly stabilizing the intestinal environment. There are five representative effects of postbiotics as follows.


Probiotics (live bacteria) function support
Post-biotics are substances produced by feeding prebiotics, and high levels of these substances have been shown to increase the range and activity of probiotics.


Postbiotics also mimic what probiotics do, removing heavy metals from the body as well as reducing viruses and toxins. In addition, the intake of lactic acid bacteria is often restricted for patients with severe intestinal damage, so postbiotics are helpful by replacing probiotics for intestinal health.


Prevents obesity and lowers blood sugar levels


Studies have shown that imbalanced gut microbes increase insulin resistance as well as obesity. However, the ingredients within postbiotics have been found to increase insulin sensitivity and dramatically lower blood sugar levels. Postbiotics have been shown to be useful in the treatment of diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Prevention of inflammatory diseases and cellular oxidation
When diarrhea or inflammatory bowel disease is caused by illness or other infection, probiotics and postbiotics can be used to treat and prevent irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease.


Some studies suggest that postbiotics may be a safe alternative to treatment when probiotics have not been very helpful for patients with inflammation. Postbiotics, such as acetate, butyrate and fatty acids called propionates, have been shown to positively affect cell damage and regulation by suppressing inflammation and reducing the production of free radicals.


Immune system support for infants and children with disabilities

Probiotics are not always safe for people with deficiencies or infants. However, postbiotics are safer than antibiotics and can relieve and treat inflammation caused by a weakened immune system. Of course, probiotics are fundamentally good at preventing necrotizing enteritis, but there are cases in which even the best probiotics for preventing and treating necrotizing enteritis can be toxic for infants and children with deficiencies.


In this case, it can be replaced with postbiotics and prebiotics. Postbiotics can protect against inflammatory bacteria in the infant’s gut, promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, modulate the epithelial immune response, and maintain intestinal homeostasis.


Effective in reducing harmful bacteria
Many vegetables, fruits and foods have antibacterial properties that can reduce harmful bacteria and prevent infection and disease. Because postbiotics have these antibacterial properties, they are great for gut health as well as reducing harmful bacteria.


Postbiotics are from Listeria monocytogenes (a bacterium that causes meningitis or meningoencephalitis and fetal dysplasia) as well as Clostridium perfringens (a gas necrotic bacterium that causes food poisoning), Salmonella enterica (a representative causative agent of food poisoning), and Escherichia coli. It has the ability to protect our body.


How to take postbiotics and side effects

How to take postbiotics
As with other health foods, when taking postbiotics, you must follow the recommended daily intake.

Do not take with antibiotics
You should avoid taking it with antibiotics as it can kill the beneficial bacteria as well. Do not take them together, it is recommended to take them at most 4 to 6 hours apart and at least 2 hours apart.

Do not take with laxatives
When taken with laxatives, postbiotics are excreted before they settle in the intestines, so it is not recommended to take them together.

steady intake
It takes a certain period of time for lactic acid bacteria to settle in the intestines and adapt to the body to form a group. It is recommended to consume it continuously for 3 to 6 months.

proper intake
The recommended daily intake of postbiotics is 4 grams. Excessive intake of lactic acid bacteria can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea, and can cause gas. Therefore, it is recommended to consume an appropriate amount of about 4g per teaspoon.


Postbiotics Product Selection Criteria
Postbiotics Lactobacillus contains dead cells, which are metabolites produced by eating probiotics. Since dead cells have different efficacy for each type, in order to obtain a high effect, you should choose postbiotics Lactobacillus that contains various dead cells. .

Many people think of probiotics and lactobacillus as the same concept, but probiotics refers to all beneficial bacteria that are beneficial to health within the human body, and lactic acid bacteria are one of the types of probiotics.


Probiotics include not only lactic acid bacteria, but also spores, yeast, and Bacillus subtilis. In this way, beneficial bacteria not only have different functions in the body, but also have a synergistic effect when consumed together, so it is recommended to choose a product composed of multi-probiotics when choosing a postbiotics lactobacillus product.


PCC certification
Many manufacturers compete fiercely by claiming that their company’s products have various types of germs and a high number of guaranteed bacteria, but according to the Consumer Agency, the product advertised as having 10 billion guaranteed bacteria in 18 types of bacteria is actually only a small amount of expensive strains. Enter, and there was a time when it was mostly composed of cheap strains.


In addition, companies do not have an obligation to inform about the ratio of bacteria, so it is difficult for consumers to know which bacteria in the product are good bacteria and how much each bacteria type contains. PCC certification is required. PCC (Probiotics Contents Certificate) refers to the analysis of the components of lactic acid bacteria strains mixed in probiotics products using next-generation sequencing (NGS).


Through this, you can check the strain and its ratio, so it is recommended to purchase PCC-certified lactic acid bacteria.


chemical additives
Some manufacturers add chemical excipients and synthetic additives to create artificial flavors, colors and aromas to enhance production convenience. Chemical excipients include silicon dioxide to remove moisture from the raw material powder, magnesium stearate to prevent the raw material powder from sticking to the manufacturing machine, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) to maintain and coat the shape of the product, and synthetic sweetener to create artificial taste. , synthetic flavoring agents that produce fragrance, and synthetic coloring agents that produce color cause various side effects when consumed continuously.


Therefore, it is necessary to check the ingredients of postbiotics lactobacillus products to ensure that there are no chemical additives and that they can be eaten with confidence through the name and content of raw materials.


guaranteed number of bacteria
Lactobacillus products have the number of input bacteria and the number of guaranteed bacteria. The number of input bacteria is