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쿠팡이츠 와우할인industry

▲Golley Naengmyeon CEO Lee Gyu-ho and his wifeⓒCoupang
▲ Popeyes Chicken CEO Kim Gyeong-nam. ⓒCoupang
Hyundai Motor Company, deepening labor-labor conflict… The first impeachment of the factory union leader…
Mercedes-Benz officially supports the ‘League of Legends’ World Championship held in Korea… Faker “Benz…
Volvo Car Korea moves to Incheon service center expansion… “Response to customer demand in the metropolitan area”…
“Laugh freely”… Colgate, blesses all the smiles in the world…
Vomiting, dog urine, messy living room… IKEA embraces ‘real life’ beyond catalogs..
“The best creative brand is Apple”… Cannes Lions 2023 Lippo..
Hanjin Co., Ltd., operating profit in the third quarter was 32.7 billion won… A 33.5% increase from the previous year..
Hyundai Motor Company, deepening labor-labor conflict… The first impeachment of the factory union leader…
[Exclusive] Police conclude Otis’ non-transportation case for crash accident… President Cho Ik-seo’s summons to the National Assembly becomes effective…
LG Electronics achieves record-breaking performance amid recession…Samsung’s performance draws attention as it reduces semiconductor deficit in 3Q…
[National Audit] Controversy over overtime in the gaming industry… Yoo In-chon “Improvement of working environment under 52-hour workweek…
[Saengsaeng National Assembly Inspection] The Korea Communications Commission National Assembly inspection is just beginning, and it is on the chopping block for ‘fake news-portal reform’.
[Reporter’s Notebook] We need to quickly convert abandoned gas stations and charging stations
[Reporter Note] Who is throwing stones at Naver?
[Desk Column] The true meaning of the late Chairman Koo Bon-moo, who left no will
[Desk Column] K Bio, time for fruit to ripen
[Reporter’s Note] Continuing defect controversies up to EV9, trust in Hyundai Motor Group’s quality needs to be restored
[National Audit] Lim Byeong-yong, Vice Chairman of GS E&C, “Full reconstruction of Geomdan Apartment… Of course we will do so..
[National Inspection] LH, despite being criticized for missing rebar… 1581 cases of serious defects detected…
Hanwha Construction Division begins detailed design for ‘Xinanwui offshore wind power project’…

쿠팡이츠 와우할인
