캐롯 여행자보험 Carrot Insurance Overseas Travel Insurance|| Travel.mall Tourmoz travel.financial convergence platform

캐롯 여행자보험+ This product can only be subscribed to while staying in the country, and subscription or extension of the insurance period while traveling abroad is not possible.
Home page: www.carrotins.com
Email customer@carrotins.com
Fax 0303-3136-0300
You can apply directly and quickly and easily using the Carrot Insurance mobile app or website.
However, it takes 1-2 business days for Carrot Insurance’s computerized reflection based on the date of subscription.
basic contract
optional contract
In the case of damage to personal belongings, liability during travel, delay costs for aircraft and baggage, additional costs for accidental interruption during travel, cost for reissuance of lost passport, rescue and repatriation costs for serious accidents during travel, medical expenses for overseas injuries and diseases, and medical expenses for domestic injuries and diseases when entering into multiple contracts. Proportional compensation for actual losses according to the terms and conditions
In the case of multiple insurance policies covering actual medical expenses, the proportional share of each contract is paid as compensation liability according to the covered medical expenses and compensation liability of each contract.
The total amount of compensation liability for each contract paid by proportional sharing is the highest amount among the covered medical expenses for each contract as the maximum compensation limit.
Multiple insurance* where the total amount of compensation liability for each contract exceeds the highest amount among the covered medical expenses for each contract will be paid by proportionally sharing the compensation liability for each contract (calculated separately for hospitalization, outpatient, and prescription dispensing).
Proportional share for each contract = (Highest amount of compensable medical expenses for each contract – Minimum amount of deductible amount borne by the insured for each contract * Compensation liability for each contract / Sum of compensation liability for each contract
The liability of the insurance company is limited to the period from the time the insured leaves his or her residence for the purpose of travel until the person arrives at his or her residence at the end of the trip.
In the case of medical expenses, liability, damage to personal belongings (excluding loss), and serious accident rescue and repatriation expenses, if multiple insurance contracts covering such expenses are concluded, compensation will be made proportionately according to the terms and conditions. However, if the amount compensated in the already subscribed insurance contract exceeds the actual medical expenses borne by the person, the insurance money may not be paid. (Insurance types that fall under multiple insurance contracts are third-party injury/disease/care insurance. and comprehensive non-life insurance/long-term damage/personal pension/retirement pension.)
This notice is a summary of the contents of the Terms and Conditions, so please be sure to refer to the Terms and Conditions for other details, such as reasons for non-compensation.
Accident coverage does not cover accidents that occur during occupation, job, or club activities, such as rock climbing or skydiving.
If you are not covered by National Health Insurance for actual medical expenses, only 40% of the amount you paid will be paid.
Diseases classified as specific infectious diseases stipulated in the Terms and Conditions refer to the following diseases in the 7th revised Korean Standard Classification of Diseases and Causes of Disease (Statistics Korea Notice No. 2015-309, effective January 1, 2016).
After the 8th revision, in the Korean Standard Classification of Diseases and Causes of Causes, if there is an additional disease corresponding to the above classification number in addition to the above disease, that disease is also included.
(Based on a one-week trip)
※ Insurance premiums may vary depending on age, gender, and subscription conditions.
(Unit: Won)
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#Overseas Travel Insurance #Carrot Insurance #Traveler Insurance

Compliance officer review completed – No. 2022-302587 – Self (2022.12.28~2023.12.27)
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Webiz N Co., Ltd. (Agent registration number: No. 2018030036). Business registration number: 343-86-01007
Customer inquiry: 02-501-8698 (Mon~Fri: 09:00~17:00) Representative email: tourmoz@tourmoz.com
4F 405, Seohyeon-ro 210beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do Representative: Seong Jun-ho
Homepage system consignment operation: Tourmoz Co., Ltd. Business registration number (621-88-00917). Mail Order (2022-Seoul Songpa-No. 2581)
(Tourmoz Co., Ltd. is not the party selling the product.)
© 2018-2022 TOURMOZ.com All Rights Reserved.

Webiz N Co., Ltd., an insurance agency that provides Tourmoz insurance services, is a financial product sales agent and broker that uses the Internet to represent and broker contracts for insurance products, and is operated by insurance companies (Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance, DB). We have signed an insurance solicitation consignment contract with non-life insurance, Hanwha Non-life Insurance, and Carrot Non-life Insurance).
Insurance agency WibizN Co., Ltd. does not have the authority to conclude a financial product contract if it has not been granted the right to conclude a financial product contract by the above insurance companies, and if it causes damage to a financial consumer by violating the Financial Consumer Protection Act, Article 44 of the Financial Consumer Protection Act and In accordance with Article 45, you are responsible for compensating for the damage.
Insurance agency WibizN Co., Ltd. does not have the authority to receive money to be paid by financial consumers according to the contract, except in cases where the authority to receive money has been granted by insurance companies, and is a direct seller from insurance companies when acting as an agent or broker. You cannot request or receive money or other property benefits other than a set fee.
Personal (credit) information provided by financial consumers is held and managed by insurance companies, and the insurance agency Webiz N Co., Ltd. complies with the contents for protecting financial consumers or maintaining sound order as required by other financial consumer protection laws.

캐롯 여행자보험
