침대 매트리스 청소방법 It is not difficult to clean the bed mattress < Wisdom of life < Health 365 < Main article - Maekyung Health

침대 매트리스 청소방법However, mattresses are bulky and heavy, making them difficult to clean. You can entrust it to a professional cleaning company, but there is a limit to entrusting it every time, so try simple maintenance yourself.
1. Coarse salt, mattress dust absorption effect
After removing the duvet and mattress cover, remove hair and large foreign substances with box tape once. Then, sprinkle coarse salt evenly on the mattress and rub it with your hands. As invisible dust is absorbed by the salt, the white salt turns cloudy. When enough dust is removed, you can suck up the salt with a vacuum cleaner.
2. Use baking soda as an all-purpose cleaning item
Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the mattress like salt. Adding a few drops of essential oil to baking soda can also help get rid of odors. If you leave it for more than 30 minutes and then suck up the baking soda with a vacuum cleaner, the dust and odors remaining on the mattress will be absorbed and removed by the baking soda.
3. Spray rubbing alcohol rather than fabric deodorant
In order to remove the odor of the mattress, a fabric deodorant is often sprayed, but it is not good due to its high moisture content. Instead, rubbing alcohol (70% or more ethanol) in a spray bottle is much more effective at removing germs and mites. At this time, do not spray directly on the mattress, but it is good to maintain the lifespan of the mattress by spraying with the cover covered.
Moisture inside the mattress can cause mold to form. This causes odor and germs, so periodically remove the cover and ventilate it in a well-ventilated area. It is also good to sterilize by exposing it to strong sunlight.
If you are using a double-sided mattress, flip the front and back sides to use. If you have a single-sided mattress with a separate top and bottom, you can use it in a balanced way for a long time if you use the head side and the leg side alternately.

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침대 매트리스 청소방법

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