청년주택드림청약통장According to the financial authorities, the Youth Housing Dream subscription account is an account that has relaxed subscription conditions and provides greater benefits than the existing youth-friendly subscription account. It is interpreted as a measure to reduce the burden on young people due to housing stability and purchasing their own home.
The Youth Housing Dream subscription account has the same age limit of 19 to 34 years as the existing youth preferential subscription account. However, the income requirement was relaxed from less than 36 million won per year to less than 50 million won per year, allowing more young people to sign up.
Another advantage is that it has changed from previously only the head of a household without a home to those who do not own a home. This is because many young people who are registered as members of their parents’ household living in their own home can meet the requirements. The interest rate was raised from a maximum of 4.3% to 4.5%, and the payment limit was also relaxed from a maximum of 500,000 won to 1 million won.
The existing youth preferential subscription account will be automatically converted to the Youth Housing Dream subscription account, and general subscription savings subscribers can apply for conversion if they meet the requirements for signing up for the Housing Dream subscription account. When signing up for conversion, the subscription account subscription period, number of payments, and payment amount are recognized continuously. However, the preferential interest rate of 4.5% is applied from the amount paid after conversion.
If a Youth Housing Dream subscription account holder wins the subscription, he or she can receive a loan up to 80% of the sale price at an interest rate of as low as 2.2% through the ‘Youth Housing Dream Loan.’ This loan is for those who do not own a home under the age of 39, and you must sign up for the Youth Housing Dream Account for at least one year and pay more than 10 million won.
The loan income requirement is 70 million won or less per year for singles and 100 million won or less for married people. Subscriptions and loans can be made for houses with a sales price of 600 million won or less and an exclusive area of 85㎡ or less. Considering that the sale price of most apartments in Seoul is over 600 million won, it appears that the loan can be used when applying for private and public apartments in the metropolitan area and local areas excluding Seoul.
When applying for a loan, those who are married, have given birth, or have multiple children can benefit from additional interest rate reductions. The interest rate is lowered by 0.1%p for marriage, 0.5%p for childbirth, and 0.2%p for each additional child, and the lower limit of the loan interest rate is 1.5%.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport predicts that 100,000 people will be able to receive loans worth an average of 200 to 300 million won per year.
The financial authorities and the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency also proposed a plan to allow up to 50 million won of maturity payment to be paid in a lump sum to the Housing Dream subscription account to help Youth Leap Account subscribers purchase a house. According to the authorities, the cumulative number of subscribers to the Youth Leap Account reaches 478,000.