주거급여 신청 Housing benefits | Housing benefits | Housing Welfare Project | Business introduction: Korea Land and Housing Corporation

주거급여 신청What’s new
Korea Land and Housing Corporation is with you so that you can create a better environment and a better place to live for everyone.

Korea Land and Housing Corporation will think from the customer’s perspective and listen to what they say.

Korea Land and Housing Corporation is creating a transparent world, a world where people are not alienated from information.

Business introduction
Korea Land and Housing Corporation will create better homes, a city embracing people and nature, and a better tomorrow.

Korea Land and Housing Corporation spreads the message of a happy Republic of Korea with its people.

ESG Management
Korea Land and Housing Corporation is doing its best to establish a sustainable management system for a brighter and healthier Korea.

Introduction to construction
Korea Land and Housing Corporation contributes to the development of the national economy by improving people’s residential life and promoting efficient use of land.

Multi-child rental housing
repair salary

What is the housing benefit system?
As the Basic Livelihood Security System was reorganized into a ‘customized benefit’ (December 30, 2014), the housing benefit within it was also reorganized, and it is a system that supports housing costs for low-income people by comprehensively considering the recipient’s income, housing type, and level of housing cost burden. .
(What is recognized income amount?) It is the sum of ‘income assessment amount’ and ‘income conversion amount of property’.
*For cars in the name of the beneficiary (right), the evaluation standard value is reflected at 100% of the monthly recognized income, but cars used by disabled people are excluded.
(What is the median income?) After ranking all households in order of income, it refers to the income level of the middle-order household.
You can move left or right.
Household members of the recipient’s household, their relatives, and other related persons can apply.
Applications can be made at the community center of the eup/myeon/dong at the applicant’s resident registration address, and online applications can also be made through Bokjiro (www.bokjiro.go.kr).
The necessary forms are available at town/myeon/dong community centers, and additional required documents can be requested.
When applying as a proxy, you must bring a power of attorney, a copy of the beneficiary’s ID card, and the agent’s ID card.
If you submit a confirmation of loan for use, payment of benefits is restricted except for some households.
When applying online, a public certificate from the covered household is required.

When an applicant applies for housing benefits, support will be decided through ① an income and assets survey and ② a housing survey.
Housing benefit standard rent for 2024
Selection criteria for living allowance in 2024
Out-of-pocket portion = (recognized income – living allowance selection criteria) × 30%

Mr. A living in Seoul (household of 3)
Q) What housing benefit can I receive if my recognized income is 800,000 won and I live on a monthly rent of 300,000 won?
A) 300,000 won = 300,000 won support because the recognized income (800,000 won) is less than the living allowance selection standard for a three-person household (1,508,690 won) and the actual rent is less than the upper limit of the standard rent for three people in Seoul.
For more information, contact the Housing Benefits Call Center (☎1600-0777) or self-diagnose on the My Home Portal (www.myhome.go.kr)!


Last update2024-02-21

주거급여 신청
