자동차 검사 예약하는 방법 How to Schedule a Car Inspection

Today we will learn how to schedule a car inspection. Car inspection is an essential procedure that must be performed periodically for safe driving. Car owners are required to undergo mandatory car inspections.자동차 검사 예약

자동차 검사 예약

If you undergo an inspection after the expiration date, you will be assessed a fine, so we hope that you will not be subject to a fine if you schedule a car inspection within the validity period.

Schedule a Car Inspection

Car inspection reservations can be made at the Korea Transportation Safety Authority’s cyber inspection center.

Transportation Safety Authority Customer Satisfaction Center: 1577-0990

Automobile Inspection Comprehensive Information Center: 02-740-0499

Type of car inspection

Regular inspection: Inspection conducted regularly at certain intervals after new registration

Comprehensive inspection: Inspection conducted on automobiles and specific diesel vehicles registered in areas where detailed exhaust gas inspection is implemented

New inspection: Inspection conducted when making a new registration

Tuning inspection: Inspection conducted when a vehicle has been tuned in accordance with Article 34 of the Automobile Management Act

Temporary inspection: Inspection conducted irregularly upon receipt of the Automobile Management Act or an order pursuant to the same Act or upon application from the vehicle owner

Repair inspection: An inspection conducted when a total loss vehicle is to be driven after being repaired.

Two-wheeled vehicle inspection: Inspection conducted at regular intervals to check whether the vehicle meets the emission standards.

Taxi meter usage test: Test conducted to check the accuracy of the fare meter device during regular inspection of taxis and ambulances or temporary inspection for vehicle age extension.

👇 Go to car inspection reservation (Android)

👇Go to car inspection reservation (iPhone)

Car inspection fines and administrative dispositions

If you do not undergo a regular automobile inspection or comprehensive inspection within the inspection validity period, you will be subject to a fine of up to 600,000 won.

Violation period: Within 30 days from the day after the inspection period.
(Inspection period is 31 days before and after the expiration date of the inspection period) 40,000 won, 20,000 won added for every 3 days from the 31st day, 600,000 won for 115 days or more

Automobile Inspection Station Location

Automobile inspection must be conducted at an inspection center designated by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority. For general vehicles, inspection is possible at most inspection centers, but the tests available at each automobile inspection center may vary, so please inquire before visiting.

There are two types of automobile inspection labs: public inspection labs and private inspection labs. The Corporation inspection center is operated by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority, and the privately designated inspection center is a business designated by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority. Reservations are required for testing at the public inspection center, so please be sure to make a reservation before visiting.

Car inspection validity period

Regular car inspections have an expiration date. If you exceed this expiration date, you will have to pay a fine, so please check the expiration date.

Access the Korea Transportation Safety Authority website

Schedule a Car Inspection

Enter your car registration number and resident registration number

Check expiration date

Car inspection period information service

You can apply for the ‘Automobile Inspection Period Information Service’ on the Korea Transportation Safety Authority Cyber ​​Inspection Center website. You can be notified of the inspection period by notification message or text message.

Precautions when booking a car inspection


When making an appointment for a car inspection, you will need your vehicle registration certificate and car insurance certificate, so please make sure to bring them with you.

reservation confirm

After making a reservation for a car inspection, please be sure to check whether the reservation date and time are correct and whether the necessary documents are prepared. Reservation changes and cancellations can be made online or by phone.


Here’s how to schedule a car inspection, as well as precautions. If you need to get your car inspected soon, you’ll want to be prepared in advance. If you have any questions regarding automobile inspection, please contact the Korea Transportation Safety Authority Customer Satisfaction Center (1577-0990) or the Automobile Inspection Information Center (02-740-0499).

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