인터넷 속도측정 및 테스트 하기 Measure and test internet speed

Today we will learn how to measure and test internet speed. When using a computer, you often notice that the Internet speed is slow. This is usually due to problems with the router or cookies that have been created.

인터넷 속도측정

인터넷 속도측정

First, I recommend checking the Internet speed of the computer or laptop you are using. We will tell you about a site where you can check your internet speed for free.

How to measure internet speed

Let’s learn about a site that allows you to measure internet speed without installing a separate program or logging in.


This site is a service provided by Netflix, and you can measure speed quickly and conveniently.

You can test right away on the site’s main screen, and you can also check the delay time and upload speed through the detailed view. Although the upload speed varies slightly, it is a convenient site to use.


When you press the play button on the main site, the speed measurement begins. When the test is completed, the results will appear as shown below.

There is no need for separate membership registration, and it can be used without installing any programs, making it convenient to use.


This service is provided by Cloud Flare. There is no need to register and you can use it directly from the website without installation.

The results are clearly visible at a glance, giving you a clean impression.


This is an internet speed measurement service supported by Google that allows you to easily measure speed with one click.

Once the speed measurement is complete, you can check the results.

speed test

When you access the website and click the GO button, you can immediately measure your internet speed.

The advantage is that the test progresses quickly and the results are available at a glance. Because it showed similar values to other installation sites, it is the site with the highest accuracy among non-installation sites.

Internet speed measurement mobile link

👇 SPEEDCHECK Internet speed measurement link (Android)

👇 SPEEDCHECK Internet speed measurement link (iPhone)

Things to keep in mind before measuring internet speed

It is more accurate to measure speed by wire.

If there is no wired device, measure at 5GHGZ near the router.

If the speed is around 70% of the provided speed, it is normal.


Today, we learned how to measure and test internet speed. There are sites where you can use them without registering or installing a membership, so you can use the site that suits you.

Speed measurement results may vary slightly from site to site, so we recommend checking in two or more places.

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