에어컨 전기세 계산 Check out the electricity bill calculator and use your air conditioner comfortably.

에어컨 전기세 계산Around this time last year, I posted about ways to reduce electricity bills. When I first used the air conditioner, I was worried that my electricity bill would be high, but now I use the air conditioner without much worry. If we just change our irrational ways of thinking about electricity bills, we won’t have much to worry about. Ultimately, your electricity bill is based on the amount you use.

By the way, although electricity is a public good, the electricity tax is incorrect because the concept is that consumers buy electricity from KEPCO rather than being operated through taxes. Just as we do not say that we pay taxes when purchasing goods at the supermarket, electricity is also a commodity for sale, so electricity bill is more accurate.

However, because people still use the term electricity bill more than electricity bill, I used the term electricity bill rather than electricity bill when I posted last year.

4 things you need to know when you want to reduce your electricity bill
Hot summer comes every year between July and August. In the past, when air conditioners were not common, you could often see people surviving with just a few fans, but now air conditioners have long been an essential item in homes. door

This summer will likely be remembered as an unusually humid day. The house itself is relatively dry, so it’s not a big problem to live in, but the musty feeling follows me wherever I go. I can tolerate the heat, but it’s really hard to tolerate the humidity, so I seem to turn on the air conditioner more when the humidity is high.

If you are worried about your electricity bill before turning on the air conditioner, you can use the calculator. Then, you can know roughly how much air is being used, so you can adjust and use the air conditioner. Even when you go to the supermarket and buy one snack, it’s the same principle as paying more when you buy two snacks. If you have limited money, you can use it accordingly.

To calculate the amount of electricity, you only need to know three things: the hourly power consumption of the electronic product, the time of use, and the date of use. For example, if you use an air conditioner with a power consumption of 1200W per hour for 8 hours a day, the result is ‘1200W × 8 hours × 30 days = 288,000W.’ 288,000W is 288kW, so if you enter 288kW into the electricity bill calculator at the link below, you will get 41,830 won. Of course, this cost assumes that only the air conditioner is used, so if the power consumption of other home appliances such as refrigerators and TVs is calculated together, it can be seen as being higher than this.

Electricity Bill Calculator: Naver Integrated Search
This is the Naver integrated search result for ‘electricity bill calculator’.

Naver’s electricity bill calculator can only calculate residential electricity bills. If you want to know the rates for special electricity use other than household electricity, such as for educational, industrial, or agricultural purposes, you can use the KEPCO electricity rate calculator.

– Electricity bill calculator | KEPCO –
After selecting the conditions according to the contract type, click the fee calculation button to view detailed calculation details.
Electricity rates are based on a progressive system, so if you use more than a certain amount, you will be charged more even if you use the same amount. Some say it is an unreasonable system, but I think it is an appropriate system to control excessive electricity use. If you would like to know more about the progressive fee range, please refer to the link below.

[Know your electricity bill] Part 2: Will the bill be expensive if it exceeds 400 kWh? Progressive system and more
[IT Donga Reporter Kim Young-woo] It’s been a heat wave every day. As of August 8, hot nights with a minimum temperature of 25 degrees or higher are recorded for 18 consecutive days in Seoul, 19 days in Gwangju and Daejeon, and 21 days in Yeosu. The summer of 2018 was marked by heatwaves recorded day after day.
Just buying a bag of snacks at a convenience store can cost well over 1,000 won, but when purchasing general consumer goods, we are not afraid of spending a lot of money even before purchasing. This is because we know the approximate prices of items sold at convenience stores, and whether we are conscious of it or not, we make rough calculations in our heads before entering the store.

Electricity bills are also similar. The reason you worry about your electricity bill being high is because you don’t know the exact price of your electricity bill. After doing this calculation, you will realize that the opportunity cost of living comfortably at home with the air conditioner on is lower than going to a cafe every day to avoid the heat.

But the best way to reduce your electricity bill is to use less. If you use fans and fans to deal with moderate heat and use air conditioners only when really necessary, your electricity bills won’t differ much whether it’s summer or winter.

Even though I spend close to 100,000 won a month on my smartphone, I don’t often use the term ‘smartphone bill bomb’. However, if I use the air conditioner during the summer and end up paying a few thousand won more, I easily use the term ‘bill bomb.’ In order to use the air conditioner comfortably, it is best to first change the irrational parts of our mind. Electricity is generated as much as we use it.
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에어컨 전기세 계산

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