2024 실업급여 신청방법 및 총정리(조건, 수급기간, 계산기, 금액) How to apply for 2024 unemployment benefits and summary (conditions, benefit period, calculator, amount)

These days, it seems like more and more people are looking into how to apply for 2024 unemployment benefits and summary (conditions, benefit period, calculator, amount). So today, we will learn about how to apply for unemployment benefits, conditions, benefit period, amount, etc. Unemployment benefit is a system implemented as part of the employment insurance project to promote stability in the lives of workers and others when they are unemployed.실업급여 신청방법

실업급여 신청방법


How to apply for 2024 unemployment benefits and summary (conditions, benefit period, calculator, amount)

Unemployment benefits pay 60% of the average pre-retirement wage to unemployed workers for a certain period of time, reducing their financial burden and encouraging active re-employment activities.

How to apply for unemployment benefits

① Report loss after leaving the company and submit confirmation of job change

Since the job change confirmation is done by the employer, you can ask the company’s HR team after retirement whether the loss report and job change confirmation have been submitted. Once submitted, you can move on to the next step.

② Apply for job search registration on Worknet

Go to the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s worknet site, register and log in, and complete the job application.

③ Applicants eligible for benefits take online training

When you go to the Employment Insurance website, you will see a screen like the one above, so you can take the online training.

④ Offline unemployment benefit application

When you visit the employment center in your jurisdiction to apply for unemployment benefits, fill out the relevant documents provided by the staff in charge and receive guidance.

⑤ Job search activities and salary payment

If you prove that you are ‘engaging in employment’ through a certificate of employment activity, you will receive unemployment benefits into the account you have set up.


Conditions for applying for unemployment benefits

To receive unemployment benefits, you must meet the following conditions under the Employment Insurance Act.

Employment insurance subscriber

Pay employment insurance premiums for at least 6 months (7 months for workers working 5 days a week) during the 18 months (24 months for workers working less than 15 hours a week) before leaving the company.

State of not being employed despite having the ability to work

Active re-employment activities

The period of receiving unemployment benefits is determined within the range of 120 to 270 days, depending on the age at the time of retirement and the period of employment insurance subscription.

Supply period and amount

*Unemployment benefit amount

실업급여 신청방법

60% of average wage before job change
Daily limit: KRW 66,000
Daily minimum limit: KRW 63,100

The amount that can be paid through unemployment benefits is 60% of the person’s average wage before changing jobs multiplied by the number of salary days, but since it cannot exceed the upper and lower limit, the actual daily amount paid is around KRW 631,000 to KRW 66,000. do.

Depending on the employment insurance subscription period, age, and disability, you can receive benefits from 120 to 270 days. If you have earned additional income other than job-seeking benefits through employment or starting a business during the benefit period, or if you have submitted false re-employment activities, it is considered illegal benefits. Not only will the entire amount paid be returned, but in some cases, an additional amount of up to five times the amount fraudulently paid may be collected.

실업급여 신청방법

How to use the job-seeking benefit calculator

The exact amount can be confirmed after the payment begins, but it can be estimated to some extent in advance by using the Employment Insurance Unemployment Benefit Calculator.

Check your work type, date of birth (for age verification), disability status, employment insurance subscription month, and daily working hours, and then press the confirm button.

Afterwards, simply enter your monthly average wage and click calculate to easily check the daily unemployment benefit amount, expected benefit period, and total benefit amount.


Above we have learned about the application method and conditions for unemployment benefits in 2024. Unemployment benefits are an important benefit provided to unemployed workers. To receive unemployment benefits, you must meet criteria such as working period, unemployment status, and insurance coverage.

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