스토리세이버 Instagram story sneak peek site

스토리세이버One of the characteristics of this story is that the moment I see the other person’s story, my account is left like a footprint. So because of this, sometimes you may not be able to see a specific person’s story. Today, I will tell you how to secretly watch with peace of mind. This is how to use the site. Since I use it without logging in to my Instagram, it can be considered 99.9% safe, so please give it a try.

First of all, the most famous site is storage. If you visit the address below, an ID search screen will appear. Here, enter the exact account you want to view secretly. Then, the results will appear as shown in the screen on the right, and menus will appear in the following order: Posts, IGTV, and Stories.

When you select a story, the stories currently playing on this account will appear in order. If you scroll down, you can check them one by one. You can also save by pressing the download button. All Instagram Story sneak peek sites use similar methods. There are only differences in speed and slightly different menu structures, so you can use the site you like.

This time it is a place called Insta Save. Let me tell you in a little more detail. The visit link is also below. Log in and select the story menu at the top. Then just enter your account name and click the download button, right? It’s easy to go to the site and try it yourself.

This site may be a little confusing because nothing appears on the screen. If you scroll down, you will see stories playing two at a time. The story at the bottom is the latest story posted last. When you press the red download button, a confirmation message will appear.

And please look at the address bar. There’s an arrow at the far right, right? If you click here, the image, file name, and capacity will appear below. Please click this part.

The image changes to the editing screen, and when you press the export button at the bottom left, a menu that allows you to share various options will appear. If you want to save it directly to your phone, click [Save Image] here. If the story is a video rather than an image, you can proceed the same way. Simple, right?

Let’s take a look at Stories Download. Now, at a glance, I think you know how to use it. If you don’t see something, scroll down. In many cases, the search bar is in the center. Enter the same account and search.

When you search, the account will be displayed separately. Once you confirm that your account is correct and click on it, you will see two menus called Story and Post at the top. You can select a story here.

Then, the download button for the story appears and shows how many hours ago it was uploaded.

This is a site called Story Saver.

The method is similar, but in the case of this Story Saver, there is a slight inconvenience in that when you press the account search button, you have to mark it as not a Robok. All you have to do is simply check, so it’s not too much of an inconvenience. The account’s stories are neatly arranged in order.

It’s not exact, but this Instagram Story site felt a little faster every time I used it. As a result, the frequency of use was slightly higher. In the end, I think you will have to actually access various sites and use them to find out.

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As I mentioned earlier, all of the sites shown above are essentially the same in terms of speed and method of use. So, you can choose the one you like, or alternately use it as it sometimes doesn’t work. We have collected other useful tips related to Instagram.

★ Collection of Instagram tips: For beginners

★ Collection of Instagram tips: Stories & Reels
★ Collection of Instagram tips: Account management
★ Collection of Instagram tips: DM
★ Collection of Instagram tips: Advanced
Insta story sneak peek

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