소상공인 재도전 특별자금 Small business policy funds

소상공인 재도전 특별자금The Small Business Market Promotion Corporation provides various policy funds to small businesses to establish a foundation for growth and stabilize their management.

Applying for direct loan

Applying for direct loan

Applying for direct loan

Information on policy funds to support small business owners
Detailed information is provided on the website of the Small Business Market Promotion Corporation.
You can check your application details, including My Page member information management and loan information inquiry.
Go to main services
Check out the frequently visited menus provided by the Small Business Policy Fund at a glance.
User Guide

We provide site usage instructions as a PDF file.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find questions and answers.

Small and medium-sized integrated call center

1357 without area code
Operating hours Monday – Friday
(09:00 – 18:00)

The Corporation has expanded the scope of support for the ‘Re-challenge Special Fund’ and is operating it on a regular basis.
Please be sure to check the application information (detailed application requirements, etc.) in the notice before applying.
Beware of voice phishing under the pretense of arranging or consulting on policy funds.
Small Business Market Promotion Corporation, 2nd to 3rd floors, 11th floor, Daelim Building, 246 Bomun-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon, 34917.
Business registration number: 305-82-21570, main phone number: 1357 without area code
Copyright 2021 SEMAS, All Right Reserved.

소상공인 재도전 특별자금
