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Last modified date 2023-02-22
Mental health social worker, child social worker, elderly social worker, disabled social worker, housing social worker, school social worker
Standard occupational classification: social worker (subcategory 2471)
Employment Occupation Classification: Social Worker (Subcategory 2311)
The number of jobs for social workers is expected to increase over the next five years. Recently, the government’s welfare policies are diversifying according to the class of demand, such as elderly welfare due to the increase in the elderly population and the elderly living alone due to the aging population, multicultural family welfare due to the increase in multicultural families, and child and child care welfare due to the increase in the female economic activity participation rate. . The scope of work of social workers has also expanded. In the past, they were mainly active in child care facilities and the public sector, but have recently expanded their scope of activity to companies, schools, the military, and hospitals. As the demand for social welfare is increasing in various fields, the number of jobs for social workers will increase throughout society in the future. (Source: Worknet job information)
The average annual salary (median) of social workers is 31.04 million won, which is low compared to the average annual salary (median) of all occupations surveyed, which is 40.72 million won. (Source: Worknet, Social Worker (2021))
The job satisfaction level of social workers regarding job growth, development potential, and employment stability is 70.8%. (Source: Worknet, Social Worker (2021))
[Source: Worknet, Social Worker Job Information (2021)]
[Source: Worknet, Social Worker Job Information (2021)]
[Source: Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Research on Occupational Indicators for Customized Employment Support (2020-22)]
[Source: Worknet, Social Worker Job Information (2021)]
[Source: Worknet, Social Worker Job Information (2021)]
[Source: Worknet, Social Worker Job Information (2021)]

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