부모급여 신청방법 Notice > View press release content “Apply for parental benefits and have a happy New Year’s Day” | A lifelong friend who is a source of strength, Ministry of Health and Welfare

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Apply for parental benefits, and have a happy Lunar New Year
– As a result of the application, about 250,000 parents will receive parental benefits on January 25th –

□ According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare (Minister Cho Kyu-hong), as of January 18, 2023, about 12,000 people applied for parental benefits, and the existing infant benefit recipients were converted to parental benefits, and about 250,000 people applied for parental benefits on January 25 (Wednesday). He said he expects to receive .
□ Parental benefit was introduced to compensate for the decrease in family income due to childbirth or childrearing, and to lower the burden of childrearing.
○ Children aged 0 to 11 months, including children born from January 2023, will receive 700,000 won per month, and children aged 1 year will be eligible for the infant allowance introduced in 2022. Monthly births will receive 350,000 won per month.
○ When using a daycare center, both 0 and 1 year olds can receive a childcare voucher, and 0-year-olds receive 186,000 won in cash, which is the difference between the parental benefit of 700,000 won and the childcare voucher subsidy* of 700,000 won.
* Daycare center 0-year-old class (children born after January 1, 2022): 514,000 won for parental care
– For 1-year-olds, additional cash is not provided because the childcare voucher support amount is greater than the parental salary of KRW 350,000.

< Application for parental benefit >
□ (How to apply) For parental benefits, visit the Eup/Myeon/Dong community service center* of the child’s resident registration address, or visit Bokjiro (www.bokjiro.go.kr) or Government 24 (www.gov.kr) website (website). You can apply online** through
* If parents apply in person, they can apply at community service centers nationwide regardless of their address.
** Online application is available only if the child’s guardian is the biological parent. Otherwise, visit Required Welfare Service (www.bokjiro.go.kr) → Service application → Welfare service application → Welfare benefit application
○ If you use the “Happy Childbirth One-Stop Service”, which allows you to apply for childbirth-related support services together, you can apply for parental benefits, child allowance, and first meeting vouchers at once along with the birth report.
< How to apply for the ‘Happy Childbirth One-Stop Service’ (on/offline) >
△ (Online) Supreme Court Online Birth Report → It is automatically linked to the ‘Happy Childbirth One-Stop Service’ and can be applied in bulk
△ (Visit to the community center) When submitting the birth certificate, submit the first meeting ticket, child allowance, and parental benefit application together.

○ If you use a daycare center or full-day childcare service, you can also apply through Eup/Myeon/Dong Community Service Centers or the welfare center website.
– In the case of using full-day childcare service, the amount of support varies according to household income, so you can choose a more advantageous support method between parental benefit and full-day childcare support depending on the household’s income type and usage time.
□ (Applicant) The person entitled to apply for parental benefits is the child’s de facto guardian, such as the child’s parent, custody, or guardian, or the guardian’s agent*.
* In the case of relatives or children under the protection of child welfare facilities, public officials in charge of social welfare, etc.
□ (Application Deadline) Parental benefits must be applied for within 60 days* including the date of birth to be supported starting from the month of birth.
* If the 60th day falls on a Saturday/Sunday/holiday, it is recognized until the next day
□ If you were receiving infant allowance (300,000 won in cash or childcare fees per month) in December 2022, you do not need to apply for parental allowance.
○ However, guardians of children aged 0 as of January 2023 (born between February 2022 and December 2022) who are attending a daycare center open a bank account to receive the difference in parental wages of KRW 186,000 on Sunday, January 15th (Sunday). You must register by
○ Guardians who failed to enter their account information during the account information input period (Jan. 4-Jan. 15) can receive KRW 186,000 for January on February 25th by entering their account information*.
* Register on the Bokjiro website (Bokjiro (www.bokjiro.go.kr) → Service application → Civil service application → Welfare benefit account change) or by visiting the Eup, Myeon, or Dong community center that has jurisdiction over the child’s resident registration address.

< Parental Benefit Payment >
□ Parental benefits will be deposited into the account you applied for on the 25th of each month from January 25, 2023 (Wednesday). You will receive it in an account in the name of your parent or child, and you can also receive it in a foreclosure prevention account*.
* Only the allowance is deposited, other deposits are blocked, and the bankbook that cannot be seized, and the allowance can be paid to the seizure prevention account upon application to protect the child’s right to receive benefits
□ Bae Geum-joo, Child Care Policy Officer of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said, “I am grateful to the public officials in charge of local governments who have made great preparations and efforts to pay the newly introduced parental benefit without a hitch.”
○ “We ask for your interest and active application so that those in need can receive many benefits.”
Parental Benefit Application Guidance Poster
Second Vice Minister Park Min-soo visits medical institutions (Jan. 20)
You can apply for welfare services at a nearby welfare center or medical institution without visiting the community center.
Department in charge: Public Relations Planning Officer

(30113) Ministry of Health and Welfare, 13 Doum 4-ro, Sejong Special Self-Governing City (Government Complex Sejong Building 10) Information call: Health and Welfare Counseling Center 129 (General Counseling: Weekdays 9-18:00, Emergency Welfare and Crisis Counseling: 24 hours / Free)
Office : 044-202-2118   FAX : 044-202-3910 COPYRIGHT By MOHW. All rights Reserved

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