무지개꿈 Various Rainbow Dream Interpretations: Naver Blog

무지개꿈2022. 7. 12. 5:20

After it rains for a while, it hangs beautifully in the sky.
You may have had the experience of seeing a rainbow.
Red, No, Chop, Nambo, seven colors combined
When I see that, it makes me feel good.
Occasionally, if you find that two appear overlapping,
I remember standing in place and looking at it for a while.
Monsoon rain is forecast all week
I look forward to seeing you again after a long time.

In that sense, this time
Let’s learn about the various rainbow dream interpretations and meanings.

dream of seeing a rainbow
Soon something auspicious and worthy of celebration will happen
It can be interpreted as a good dream that arises.
If you could see a rainbow in the rain
The work or business you are currently working on is going well.
It is a sign that something fun will happen at home.
If you are looking at the scene with someone
It means that your relationship with the target will improve.

Dream of a rainbow after the rain
It means that your fortune is gradually improving.
Getting out of a difficult situation
You will also regain the peace of mind you lost.
If it happens after heavy rain, it means great luck.

A dream where a rainbow disappears
Stable work or relationships, etc.
It indicates that problems may arise and become difficult.
As if everything is going smoothly now
Even if you feel it, don’t let down your guard and take stock of the current situation.
It is necessary to check it properly.

Double rainbow dream
If we were floating in pairs on a high mountain
Promotion at work, passing a test, admission to the school of your choice, etc.
It can be interpreted as a sign that something pleasant will happen.
As he became successful, he gained great wealth and fame.
It can also be seen as meaning to follow.

dream of crossing a rainbow
With good luck, your wishes come true,
Achieving what you set out to do
It is a good dream full of joy and happiness.
However, if you try to climb to the top and fail,
Be careful as it may cause health problems.

A dream where a rainbow is broken
If only half is visible or is cut off in the middle
An appointment with someone may be canceled.
Marriages, engagements, contracts, etc. may be broken.
Please act more carefully.

A dream where sunlight shines behind a rainbow
With the help of someone else, such as a helper or nobleman,
It means you will be successful.
If you work for a company, you can be recognized by your superiors.
If you are running a business, you can see great benefits.

A dark rainbow dream
If the light felt dark
Because of things that make you anxious or worried
This means that you may feel depressed.
Not only is my job not going well,
You may get hurt in a relationship with the opposite sex.
It would be a good idea to be more careful than usual.

dream of climbing a rope
As a sign that a wish or wish will come true,
It indicates employment, admission, promotion, etc.

dream of a rainbow
If you saw a reflection somewhere other than the sky
find a way to solve the problem or
It means gaining new enlightenment and becoming mature.

A vivid rainbow dream
It is interpreted as a sign that a desired wish will come true.
Even if things don’t go as planned
You can achieve results through consistent effort.
Rather than giving up right away, I think it would be better to give it a try.
On the other hand, if it looked blurry, the opportunity in front of you
It carries the meaning of missing out or failing unfortunately.

dream of taking a picture of a rainbow
Although a good opportunity may come your way,
Because the risk is high, think more carefully.
It can be helpful in making decisions.

dream of floating above the house
It means meeting something pleasant.
You may meet someone special who is far away.
So, you can look forward to it.
Or, you or a family member may have an unfortunate event.

Dream of a rainbow hanging on a mountain
It means that you will become socially successful.
The bigger and higher the mountain, the greater the success.

A dream of making a wish while looking at a rainbow
There is happiness in the house or the family becomes harmonious.
It is a sign that your work will bear fruit and prosper.
You may be able to achieve satisfactory results.

dream of catching a rainbow
Challenge yourself to do something you thought was almost impossible
It suggests that you will achieve success.
Satisfaction from achieving something in reality
You may be able to experience it.
About the various rainbow dream interpretations and meanings
I took the time to organize it. How was it?
I hope you’ll take it lightly and I’ll end this here.
It is Ar’s nest.
Have a happy day~♡

