무인 아이스크림 창업비용 Costs and profits of starting an unmanned ice cream discount store

무인 아이스크림 창업비용An unmanned ice cream discount store is literally a system that installs a kiosk (unmanned payment system) within the store, like a convenience store that operates 24 hours a day, and allows customers to pay directly without employees. As the burden of labor costs, such as the recent minimum wage increase, has increased, many people are interested, and a lot is actually happening. I was also curious about this, so I did some research.

How much does it cost to start an unmanned ice cream discount store? The cost of starting an unmanned ice cream discount store is approximately 10 to 20 million won, excluding store rent. Of course, the price may vary depending on the square footage and interior level, but in most cases, it is within 20 million won. However, the initial cost of goods is 4.5 million won, signs and signage are 3 million won, heating and cooling facilities are 1 million won, store management system is 1.8 million won, kiosks are 4 million won (2 units), free freezer/refrigerator is provided, external work is 4 million won, and other household items. The initial investment cost is quite high at 19.3 million won, including 1 million won. However, it is considered an attractive business because there are no labor costs, franchise fees, or training costs. What is the monthly net profit of the unmanned ice cream discount store? Based on monthly sales of 8 million won, excluding expenses of 70% of material costs, 750,000 won in rent (2 commercial districts based on 10 pyeong), 100,000 won in loss costs, 500,000 won in management fees, and 6.95 million won, the monthly net profit is 1.05 million won. And during the summer peak season, daily sales often exceed 2.5 million won. In the ice cream business, sales are very different between peak and off-season, so this is an average. Typically, winter sales are about one-third of summer sales.

What are the location conditions for an unmanned ice cream discount store? Location conditions can be broadly divided into two categories. The first is a place with a large floating population, and the second is near an apartment complex or a school. In particular, the commercial area in front of the elementary school is a very good location because it is good for doing business targeting students. For your information, an unmanned ice cream discount store is thriving even in the densely populated commercial and housing area near where I live. This is probably because there is a lot of demand for it to be bought as snacks for children going to school.

So far, we have learned about the costs and profits of starting an unmanned ice cream discount store. Although the small investment amount is attractive, sales are not high and competition with competitors is fierce, so you must make a careful decision. However, considering the current minimum wage level in our country, I think it is worth the challenge. In my opinion, it seems like a good idea to run a side job while working. If you are also looking for a small capital startup item, how about an unmanned ice cream discount store?

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무인 아이스크림 창업비용
