디즈니플러스 추천 Disney+’s latest movies, 8 recommended (Jojo Rabbit, Free Guy, etc.)

디즈니플러스 추천Tadadak has continuously used various OTT services, including Netflix and Wave. Since Disney Plus arrived in Korea, I have been watching a variety of works, but this time, new works have been introduced to .

Various works have been opened on Disney Plus, including , which was released last year. Let’s take the time to find out which works have been released on .
jojo rabbit, 2019

“Jojo Rabbit,” a movie that recently appeared on , is set in a war movie, but the story is not all bleak. Of course, the education of young children and the punishment of traitors are a bit scary, but because it is portrayed from the perspective of a 10-year-old boy, it is less shocking to the audience.

Additionally, the desolate and distant village scenery, house interior, and costumes created a warm atmosphere. Many people are reluctant to watch it because it is a war movie, but the movie itself is of very good quality. If you haven’t seen the work yet, please be sure to check it out.
Free Guy, 2021

Among the works released in 2021, the most popular one is . It was the best work for Meng Tu, who likes works based on virtual reality games. I think it was the best choice to capture actor Ryan Reynolds’ endless humor, chatter, romance, and sex all in one movie.

Ryan Reynolds, who flopped with “Green Lantern” and found success again with “Deadpool,” appears as the main character, so it presents great fun. The visuals of the scenes in the game were good, and the cameos were fun to watch, making it an even more interesting work. If you want to enjoy two hours of fun, I highly recommend watching “Free Guy.”
The Last Duel, 2021

Duchi Dad likes works that are based on real stories. The movie is based on the novel of the same name, which is based on a true story. Director Ridley Scott, who is still actively working at the age of over 80, has created another wonderful period drama.

Even in today’s era, the story is very fascinating, but it is an incredibly immersive work. Those who have seen the original work say they thought it was very well made, picking out only the key points. The reason it was evaluated as being such a good adaptation of the original work was because of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, who won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for . The story may be a bit frustrating, but it’s a movie worth watching just for the actors’ excellent performances.
The King’s Man, 2020

It is the third work of , which I enjoyed immensely, and is the first story in terms of story content. This is a work whose release was delayed a great deal of time but was released at the end of last year. This is a work that many people were excited about when it was announced that it would be released on Disney Plus.

Because it is a prequel story, many people expressed regret that they could not see the actors from the existing series and that the unique sickness had disappeared. Still, I enjoyed it very much because it was a movie that allowed me to learn about the birth of Kingsman. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend checking it out.
Nomadland, Encanto, French Dispatch, Broken Lawn, etc.

There are a lot of works being released on Disney Plus this time. There are , which won Best Picture at last year’s Academy Awards, and , which won Best Animation Feature at the Golden Globe Awards.

There is also a work called , which allows you to enjoy director Wes Anderson’s unique visuals, and , which is both fun and touching. Disney has a lot of works that are fun to watch again, and this time, the latest works seem to be even more impressive. If you are a Disney Plus subscriber, I recommend that you check out the works introduced by Tadadak!
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