동물등록번호 조회방법 How to check animal registration number

Today, we will learn about how to check animal registration numbers. If you plan to have a pet or are raising one, you must register the animal at the city, county, or district office nationwide. Failure to register may result in a fine.동물등록번호 조회

동물등록번호 조회

Animal registration numbers are for dogs that are at least 2 months old and are kept as companion animals. Failure to register will result in a fine, and islands, towns, and counties where animal registration services cannot be handled are excluded.

Pet Registration System

The pet registration system is a system that has been mandatory nationwide since January 1, 2014. Animal owners can easily register their pets at the nearest city, county, or district office to prevent loss or abandonment. Failure to register may result in a fine.

Criteria for imposing late fees

Unregistered pets can be fined 200,000 won for the first time, 400,000 won for the second time, 600,000 won for the third time, and in the case of failure to report information changes, the first time will be fined 100,000 won, the second time 200,000 won, the third time 300,000 won, and the fourth time 400,000 won.

Is it safe for pets?

Pets can be registered through microchips, but some pet owners are worried that their pets may be harmed. The microchips used here are animal medical devices the size of a grain of rice, so they are manufactured to international standards and are said to not cause harm to pets.

How to register an animal registration number

Animals can be registered by inserting an internal wireless identification device or attaching an external wireless identification device. If you register for the first time, you must register the wireless identification device, so you must visit the registration application with the animal to be registered.

There are areas where registration is only possible through an agency according to local government ordinances, so if you want to register at the city/county/district office, inquire in advance about the possibility. Companies that can register are registration agencies (designated animal hospitals/animal protection centers) or visiting the city/county/district office.

How to search for an animal registration number

Animal registration number search can be done through the National Animal Protection Information System. If you log in, you can check the registration number, name, gender, registration date, etc. of the registered animal in the animal registration change report menu.

You can search for a registered animal registration number only if the owner name and resident registration number match. If the information has changed, you can visit the nearest city/county/district office to change it.

Issuance of an animal registration card

Animal registration cards are issued in about a week after you first register your pet. You will receive an animal registration card that looks similar to a credit card. The animal registration card contains information such as the registration number, owner, address, contact information, and the animal name, breed, and gender. Nowadays, many people receive mobile registration cards rather than physical cards.

You can issue a mobile registration certificate from the National Animal Protection Information System website. You can log in and issue it from the Animal Registration Change Report and Registration Certificate Printing menu.

Printing Animal Registration Certificate

Click My Page > Edit Member Information at the top of the website

Enter all 13 digits of your Resident Registration Number in the Resident Registration Number field and click the Edit button (Resident Registration Number is not entered when you first sign up)

You can print the animal registration certificate from the Registered Animal Change Information menu

Reporting Changes to Animal Registration

If you have lost or died your pet, it is recommended that you change the status. To report loss or death, click the animal registration number and report it on the details screen.



When lost and found

When in possession

Find a nearby animal registration hospital

You can check the animal registration hospital on the National Animal Protection Information System. You can find it right away by searching by city/county/district.

Animal registration agencies are agencies designated to handle animal registration work for cities/counties/districts according to the Animal Protection Act.


Today, we learned about how to search for animal registration numbers, registration, and printing. Pets over 2 months old must be registered, so please register on this occasion. Additionally, you can check the registration information for abandoned dogs through the animal protection management system, and you can find your lost pet using the registration number, so please refer to it.

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