농협 하이패스 후불카드 신청 방법 Nonghyup Hi-Pass Deferred Payment Card Application and Instructions

농협 하이패스 후불카드 신청 방법POWERED BY TISTORY

You can apply for the Nonghyup Hi-Pass Deferred Payment Card without having to visit the branch. There are several issuable channels.

In addition to this, you need to pay an annual fee to use these Hi-Pass deferred payment cards. You can also get a discount by using this card. We will also tell you in detail about this part.

▲ The Nonghyup offers two versions of the Hi-Pass deferred payment card. One is the fill version and the other is the BC version.

For both, you can apply for issuance through branch offices, the NH Card website, or a dedicated application. In the case of the filling version, you can also receive issuance at the Customer Happiness Center.

For your information, please note that you can apply for additional issuance or, in the case of corporate customers, only make a Hi-Pass deferred payment card through a branch.

▲ The first Nonghyup Hi-Pass deferred payment card mentioned is the filling version, and the name of the card is “New Deferred Pay Hi-Pass Card”. It is a product that makes highway use convenient. The total annual fee is 2,000 won. The brand is for domestic use only.

▲ If you use the card, you can get a discount on tolls during rush hour. If you use the section and time zone set by the Nonghyup, you can receive a discount on Hi-Pass at the discount rate above.

If you look at the target vehicles, you can get discounts for 1 to 3 class passenger cars and vans, and 2-choke trucks weighing less than 10 tons.

Discounts are excluded on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Please note that the application time referred to here is based on the time at the exit toll booth.

▲ How to use the Nonghyup Hi-Pass deferred payment card is simple. You can use it by inserting it into the Hi-Pass terminal for vehicles.

When using the High Pass lane, payment is automatically made after passing through the toll gate. When passing through a general lane, present the right of way to the toll gate worker or touch the card reader.

If you want to inquire about the usage history of the deferred payment Hi-Pass card, you can use the dedicated homepage or view the usage history through the Nonghyup Card homepage. You can also visit the Korea Expressway Corporation sales office.

▲ The BC version of the Postpaid Hi-Pass card looks like the one above. Even in the case of the card, it is possible to apply for issuance at the Nonghyup. The annual fee is 2,000 won.

The method of using and discounting the BC version is almost the same as the filling version described above. That’s why I won’t explain it further.


농협 하이패스 후불카드 신청 방법

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