넷플릭스 시청기록 삭제 How to delete Netflix viewing history, can’t do it!

Today, I’m going to talk about a subject that might be a bit sensitive, ‘deleting Netflix viewing records’. When you use Netflix, which is currently the hottest platform, did you all share an account with your family or friends at least once and wonder, “Why did you watch this?” 넷플릭스 시청기록 삭제

Or, Netflix keeps recommending similar genres because of a romantic comedy I’ve watched once, which makes me feel awkward! This is why you need to know how to “delete Netflix viewing records”!

Netflix Shortcut
Delete Netflix viewing history, why do I need it? jasminevista.com
In fact, the biggest reason for the need to delete Netflix viewing records is for personal reasons! Netflix is a function that is mostly useful for providing personalized recommended content based on your viewing records

Sometimes it distorts individual viewing tastes, exposes unwanted content to people who share accounts, and sometimes I think it’s a necessary function for when I want to keep my viewing records clean. 넷플릭스 시청기록 삭제

How to delete Netflix viewing records
Deleting Netflix viewing records is simpler than you think! It can be hard to find though, so just follow me!

How to delete a web browser
Please log in to the Netflix website.
After logging in, click on the profile icon on the top right and go to Account.
Delete Netflix viewing records
Go to Account and click View in the section “Profile and Child Protection” below where you click the arrow to the right of your profile.
Delete Netflix viewing records
Delete Netflix viewing records
If you press the view of the viewing record, it appears on the screen below, but you can delete the Netflix viewing record you watched by pressing the ‘Hide’ button that I marked here.

Delete viewing history from mobile app
Unfortunately, mobile apps don’t support deleting viewing records directly. However, you can access the Netflix site through a mobile web browser and follow the web browser method above.

Why can’t Netflix viewing records be deleted?
I tried to delete Netflix viewing records the way I told you, but there are cases where it doesn’t work, so why?

Netflix stores users’ viewing records for up to 10 months, which can take up to 24 hours from the deletion request to the complete deletion on all devices. If you copied the deletion, please wait!
If your Netflix profile is using a kids profile, you can’t delete your viewing history! Please note.
A little bit of Netflix tips!
Delete all viewing records: If you want to hide all your viewing records at once, use the ‘Hide All’ option at the bottom of the viewing activity page.
Recommendation after deletion: Deleted viewing records are not considered in the recommendation system, so content recommendations are more customized.
Profile Management: Another way to manage viewing records is to create individual profiles. This will more clearly separate each user’s viewing preferences, increasing the accuracy of the recommendation system.
concluding article
So far, I’ve briefly told you how to delete Netflix viewing records and when you can’t delete them. I think deleting Netflix viewing records is more than just erasing them.

If there are any viewing records you want to share or hide with someone, please refer to the method I told you and watch with confidence with a clean viewing record!

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Contents [hide]

1 Delete Netflix viewing history, why do I need it?
2 How to delete Netflix viewing records
3 How to delete a web browser
4 Delete viewing records from mobile apps
5 Why can’t Netflix viewing records be deleted?
6 Netflix little tips!
7. Closing article
8 A good article to watch together