간헐적 단식 커피 16:8 When do you drink coffee during intermittent fasting?

In the preceding article, I briefly discussed the good times to drink coffee during intermittent fasting. Some may find it uncomfortable to hear that coffee should be consumed at certain times. The counterargument is that living a slow life is pushing your life too tight. Such questions are justified. I love coffee, and in some cases, I drink coffee anytime of the day. A coffee break by 11 p.m. at 간헐적 단식 커피 Starbucks, for example, is a great joy to me when I see off a friend who is leaving for Europe early in the morning at Incheon International Airport. There is absolutely no reason not to refuse. But, nevertheless, I think principles of scientific research should always be kept in mind. That’s why I’m trying to figure out together a coffee break suitable for 16:8 intermittent fasting people who skipped breakfast.



Morning coffee is not good for intermittent fasting
It has become common sense that morning coffee, which you drink as soon as you wake up, is not good for you. According to an article titled <Morning Coffee on an empty stomach? Not Good Morning>, drinking coffee on an empty stomach can lead to excessive caffeine accumulation and nervousness. The article, <Morning Coffee, Will It Really Wake You Up?>, provided by YTN Science, covers more details. Between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., and mainly between 1 to 2 hours after waking up, a wake-up substance called cortisol is secreted. However, the caffeine in coffee reduces the secretion of cortisol, which has similar properties. As a result, our body is weakened to natural awakening and strengthened our tolerance to caffeine. In short, it can lead to caffeine addiction. In addition, caffeine promotes the secretion of gastric aci 간헐적 단식 커피d, which can lead to reflux esophagitis.

Based on these scientific findings, scholars suggest that it is a good time to drink coffee around 9:30 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. However, advice like this is only good for people who eat all three meals a day. In fact, it is not entirely appropriate. Now, let’s find out why.

First, let’s look at a 16:8 intermittent fasting person who fasts 16:8 without breakfast. He doesn’t eat anything except water or persimmon tea until lunch. Simply put, he’s on an empty stomach all morning. As the YTN article says, caffeine intake on an empty stomach causes reflux esophagitis. You all know from experience that drinking coffee on an empty stomach makes you feel sick. Café lattes are a little less so, but actually milk is not good for humans either. Milk comes from calves, not humans. For the harm of milk, please refer to “The Counterattack on Milk” (Alma), written by Thierry Sukar. Anyway, for those who don’t eat breakfast, drinking coffee at 9:30 a.m. is also bad for their health.

In addition, I discussed in <16:8 Why Morning Coffee Is Bad for Intermittent Fasting> that drinking coffee in the morning breaks an empty stomach. 16:8 There is no point in drinking coffee in the morning while fasting intermittently. Our body does not distinguish between brown rice consumption and coffee drinking, and recognizes it as food administration. In conclusion, 16:8 intermittent fasting people should refrain from drinking coffee in the morning.

Coffee after 2 p.m. is not good for intermittent fasters
It’s hard to advise not to drink coffee in the morning, but now that you don’t drink coffee after 2 p.m., what is this all about? Have I lost my enemies to a coffee company? Am I the original soul who died from drinking coffee in my past life? Not at all. Again, we can’t help but cite scientific findings. Let’s take a look at the contents of <Sleep deprivation Results Are Sick, Fat, Stupid, and Short-lived> in the December 2019 issue of the Psychiatric Newspaper. Lee Sang-soo, a psychiatrist who wrote the column, says, “I often find coffee because I’m sleepy, but you should be careful about coffee after 2 p.m. It takes about 4.5 hours to halve the blood caffeine concentration. It is close to midnight when caffeine taken at 2 p.m. is excreted from the body. If it is difficult to reduce coffee, drink decaffeinated coffee. Please also note that as you get older, your liver loses its ability to metabolize caffeine, which can be easily affected by it.”

From this, drinking coffee after 2 p.m. is a disturbing effect of quality sleep. I told you that 16:8 intermittent fasting and morning person are partners that must go together. Going to bed early has less incentive to accept the temptation of late-night snacks, making it easier to do intermittent fasting. In my case, I wake up at 6 a.m. and go to sleep at 11 p.m. Because of this, if you drink coffee after 2 p.m., you will be in bed with caffeine left in your body.

It is relatively safe to drink coffee 30 minutes after lunch
Now, a 16:8 intermittent faster who is skipping breakfast now only has about two hours of coffee left, from after lunch until 2 p.m. In fact, this is acceptable, as we routinely take out a cup of coffee after lunch. But here’s one last thing to watch out for. <After-dinner coffee, late brushing… Let’s take a look at the article 3 Bad Habits After Lunch. According to reporter Lee Boram, if you drink coffee right after a meal, tannins in coffee combine with iron to interfere with iron absorption. Lack of iron in the body lowers the metabolic rate, and easily fatigue leads to chronic fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to drink coffee 30 minutes after meals to prevent caffeine-induced iron deficiency. If you drink coffee after iron or other minerals in the food are absorbed to a certain extent for 30 minutes, the adverse effects will be relatively small.

To sum up so far, 16:8 The best time for an intermittent faster to drink coffee is 30 minutes after lunch. If you have lunch at 12 o’clock and finish your meal at 12:30 p.m., it would be best to drink coffee around 1 p.m.